Losing a Member of the Family
The furthest thing from a dog owner’s mind the day they pick up the newest addition to the family is the day to come that good bye will be said. If we are lucky it will be a long way off. Most dog owners know all too well the situation you are put in when you have to make the choice to end a dogs suffering.
If you are lucky you will enjoy having a long happy healthy life together. One that will create many stories and warm memories that will be felt and shared long after the relationship has ended.
My wife and I are were owned be a comical, loving, dedicated and frisky Boxer named Roxy even in her old age she was getting along well. Roxy turned 12 years old in March 2012. I woke up last Tuesday and found her lying in the closet unable to get up. My wife had to pick her up and take her outside to use the bathroom. She was in bad shape for a couple of days. All of a sudden she perked up started eating again and was walking around good (as good as a 12 year old dog does). Sunday she did not want to be left by herself whatever room me and my wife were in she would come in and want her pillow to lay down (the queen’s pillow). Sunday evening she jumped up on the futon (where she was not allowed) so she could be near my wife and laid down. Instead of fussing at her and making her get down my wife covered her up with a blanket and let her rest. I told Roxy everything was alright and that she had done a great job watching over things long enough. “We can handle things from here please go peacefully in your sleep”. The thought of having her put to sleep brought on a sick feeling in my stomach. Roxy was an obedient faithful companion to the end she died Monday morning at 5:49 am laying on the futon with my wife holding her.
It is a tragedy that is easier to handle when one of our pets dies on their own instead of the heart wrenching process of having one put to sleep. I am thankful to my wife and mother in law for burying my loyal companion. It would have been a long and grueling process to perform the task from a wheelchair.

Ashley’s Rockin Roxy –March 2000 - March 2012
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry about Roxy, I know how you feel completely. We had Oakley for 14 years and he was the love of our life, our first baby before the boys. I hope the memories of Roxy live on forever. This blog makes your baby sister very proud, I am so impressed by your writings, a gift that is not mine. I love you!
this breaks my heart all over again and makes me cry again. the pain of sitting in that vets office with scoot in my lap, watching him take that last breath was almost unbearable. i dont ever want to feel that kind of pain again. i know it will happen again as molly is getting up in age. she just turned 10, i am hopeful she has a lot more years of health. our babies mean everything to us.
ReplyDeleteThat is so sad. I have a cat that I've had for 8 years. He is definitely a member of my family. I look forward to seeing him every day when I get home. I'm sure that Roxy brought you years of joy and she will continue to bring you more years of joy because she'll forever live in your heart! May God bless you.